Curmudgeon on Drink-Driving
Curmudgeon columns and other articles that have touched on the subject of drink-driving
- May 1993
How would Britain have fared in the Second World War if we had breath-tested Winston Churchill before his "turns of duty"?
- March 1994
- The worrying decline in lunchtime drinking - which is closely linked to an increasing reluctance to drive to the pub even if you're not going to come anywhere near the legal limit
November 1994
- The hypocrisy of some people who claim never to drink and drive
December 1994
Free Parking (not a Curmudgeon article as such) - an interesting exchange of correspondence from "Opening Times", November/December 1994, on the topic of pub car parks
- February 1995
Guest beers should cover a greater range of strengths and beer styles - in particular to offer a sub-4% choice for drivers
- December 1995
- Drink-Drive Confusion - surely it would improve road safety if drivers were given one consistent message that was in line with the law
- February 1996
- Wasting Police Time - breath-testing thousands of innocent motorists achieves nothing in the fight against drink-driving
- November 1997
Revenge of the Band of Hope
- anti-drink campaigners have lost many battles, but they're cunningly outflanking the pro-drink lobby where it is most vulnerable, that is, on the drink-drive issue (and they're still doing it with great success)
- February 1998
- Facts, not Hysteria - The sober truth about the drink-driving statistics
- December 1998
The Cold Light of Day
- The drink-driving danger the government refuses to tell us about - driving the "morning after"
- February 1999
- Another One for the Road
- is it a good idea to give rewards for shopping drink-drivers?
- March 1999
- Real Life Pub-Going
- How the media fail to represent the way millions lawfully go to the pub
- July 1999
...But Most of it Has Been
- the rather more numerous bad points of the past twenty-two years, specifically the "drink-driving" point
- October 1999
Keep Drunks Off Our Roads
- it's not only drivers who represent a serious risk to themselves and others. Cyclists and pedestrians put themselves at grave risk when they're drunk too.
- November 1999
Bringing the Morning After Nearer
- the hidden danger of more people drinking into the small hours
- December 1999
Drink-Driving - A Fresh Approach
- how we could really make serious inroads in drink-related road deaths, if the government had the moral courage to put political correctness to one side
- November 2000
Drink-Driving and Rural Pubs
- full text of a letter from Peter Edwardson to the editor of What's Brewing in response to comments by Ted Bruning in the 2001 Good Beer Guide
- December 2000
Sus on Wheels
- mass breath testing is an ineffective means of combating drink-driving that alienates law-abiding motorists
- January 2001
- Drunk at the Taxpayer's Expense - the idea that late-night bus services help reduce drunk driving is another pious canard
- February 2002
- Truth and Trust - Official dishonesty about drinking and driving is costing lives
Campaign for Real Coppers - Nothing beats a real-life policeman in improving road safety
- May 2002
- Common Sense Prevails - Retaining the UK's 80 mg drink-driving limit is good news for both pubs and road safety
- January 2004
- Law-Abiding Rife - Shock headlines on drink-driving distort the truth
- March 2004
- Driven to Drink - the surprising truth behind 21st-century Britain's toxic binge-drinking culture
- July/August 2005
- Belt, Braces and the Rest - dishonest official propaganda encourages ludicrous over-caution over alcohol and driving
- February 2006
- Don't All Rush at Once! - transport details given for many pubs reflect a politically correct dreamworld
- April 2007
- Random Target - so-called random breath testing will have a negative effect on road safety
One too Many? - how can licensees be expected to monitor their customers’ consumption in detail?
- June 2008
- The End of the Road? - the reeling pub trade now faces a knockout blow from cutting the drink-drive limit
- November 2008
- No Sign of the Inn - banning pub signs on the grounds that they may encourage drink-driving is an absurd overreaction
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